The best Twilight one... Because it's the last one. Good job anonymous troller.
Poor employee, all he wanted was some rest. Well, I guess he found a way for that.
Man gone wild. He tried the duck face and... he won!
When someone you don't know likes your comment... Oh epic win, epic win. AND I LOVE YOU, RANDOM STRANGER!
I really must admit it. This is way beyond brilliant. GREAT WIN!
Hahaaa, good try. That's a spoon, not an airplane, I got it!
Today was a good day. Such a good day for a dog. WIN, WIN, WIN!
Woah, that was one shot under the belt. Knock-out, definitely!
Now that's one quite epic brush. Afro hair... For a brush, unusual!
Of course I'm not lazy. It is called selective participation, you don't know nothing about it.