Only if Mr Bean would have been in Twilight... It would've been such a better movie!
Such a story.... Like Twilight almost. Interesting story, touching and so on.
The best Twilight one... Because it's the last one. Good job anonymous troller.
Aww... people didn't noticed him in Harry Potter so... he became a vampire.
She really needs to sort her priorities. Right?
Woahh... it finally ended, I can't believe it!!! YEAAAAHHHHH!
Yeaaaaah! The day has come! It's the end of the Twilight Saga... nice.
I bet this would've been a better movie. Just imagine it... HAHAHA!
Hahahahah it seems like Abraham Lincoln doesn't like Edward from Twilight, sorry kid!
Interesting idea, emergency toilet paper. It seems like Twilight isn't that good.