funny pics and images updated daily

Someone to eat

Someone to eat

Syntax error

Syntax error

I tried to do my homework, but I believe this was the correct answer. My calculator confirmed.



No really, whaaaaat homework?! SPEAK NOW.



Now that's one way of handling the problem. Good luck to those who'll try this. DON'T!

That annoying moment...

That annoying moment...

Homework?! What homework?!?! Are you serious about this thing, did we had homework?



The cat is doing her homework, that's cute.

We had homework?

We had homework?

Homework?! WHAT HOMEWORK!? We had homework to do?! Oh no...

In Asia you got to study hard

In Asia you got to study hard

Ridng a scooter to school? No time to waste! Must finish homework.

Wikipedia copies my homework

Wikipedia copies my homework

This always seems to happen. I spend a whole week writing this homework and after that Wikipedia copies everything I worked so hard for.