funny pics and images updated daily

Laziness level pro

Laziness level pro

If you are too lazy to hold your food in your hands you have just been promoted to the pro league.

I just want a decent hamburger

I just want a decent hamburger

My dream is to once have a hamburger that looks like the ones in commercials.

Biggest hamburger

Biggest hamburger

I've been expecting a giant hamburger but... nope. FAIL!

Fast-food for the kitty

Fast-food for the kitty

Who would've thought that cats love fast-food too? Hah... Whaddaya say...

Diet, sure, sure!

Diet, sure, sure!

Okay, that huge hamburger and a diet soda please!



Stop calling the Daschund a sausage dog, should he call you a hamburger dog? Come on kids, be nice!

The manburger

The manburger

I know what I'll be wearing for Halloween this year.