I kind of enjoy talking to myself, hahaha.
People do talk a lot on Skype, you can hear them saying... "HEY CAN YOU HEAR ME???"... Uhmm... Yeah.
I have been trolled by my own memory.... Arghh.. That moment, meeting someone new, the next second you can't remember his name.
Mmmm... Not everytime I feel my phone vibrating, but when I do, it's not vibrating. FOREVER ALOOOONEEE HAHA
Huuuuh.... So that's the way these photos are taken... I see...
So... still laughing or watching the lottery online? haha
Indeed, alcohol!!! YEAAAH! Because no great story ever started with eating a salad.
So, this one is for everyone out there asking why do we like partying, coming home in the morning and so on.
Let's not joke with this.... So.. better late than... UGHHH!