funny pics and images updated daily

Crack resistant cement

Crack resistant cement

When advertising your crack-free cement, make sure you crack-proof the billboard too.

Hiding snacks from kids

Hiding snacks from kids

And this is how I started snacking in front of the little people running around the house.

A quiet man

A quiet man

Tread carefully when you run across a silent woman. She's not thinking in silence.

Almost nailed the position

Almost nailed the position

The bad part about these tshirts are that they require you to keep your position.

Nuclear spiders

Nuclear spiders

This looks like a plot for an action-hero movie waiting to unfold.

Dog on steroids

Dog on steroids

I don't know what this dog is taking and how much he lifts, but I surely want to get into his program. Wait a second. Nevermind.

Counter excuses

Counter excuses

That feeling when you wanted to get out of a commitment but your conversation partner found a solution.

Kitchen solutions

Kitchen solutions

I am quite creative in my home renovation ideas. Follow me on Instagram for more!

Mosquito bites

Mosquito bites

I have a mark on my body for every mosquito that took a bite. That's how hardcore I am.

Perfect use

Perfect use

So I bought all these books to help me teach myself how to fix the furniture.