The constructor built this according to our exact specifications. Might as well buy a monster truck now.
Why not enjoy some quality time together with a friend instead of your phone?
This is how you find out that the mayor has a side business that deals with road signs.
These onions will rot here way before a kid tries to pick one of them up.
Get your very own tearable pun. Yes, feel the terrible pun.
Bought a car that was advertised to be eco friendly. Not what I was expecting. Cannot complain on the description though.
Anyone responsible for the integration testing for this new road? What, we don't need to do it?
Now we need to start telling time in degrees. So looks like it's 90 degrees o'clock.
This picture sums up our colleagues from the graphic design perfectly: everything looks great until you try to cram their designs into existing constraints.
This is how I wish all my Monday morning commutes would look like.