funny pics and images updated daily

Ipeed App

Ipeed App

He's gone crazy with that Ipeed App... Come on dude...

All the time...

All the time...

It's pretty annoying. The tip is the most delicious part.

Cleaning your bedroom

Cleaning your bedroom

Oh no, guests. FAST, close the door, close the door!



Kind of snailception. Interesting theory, interesting... But... NO.

Mexican got trolled

Mexican got trolled

So.. how do you call a Mexican that lost his car? CARLOS. HAAAA. Knock-out.

Hey, taxi!

Hey, taxi!

This is a "must do" on my list. Definitely.

Alcohol benefit

Alcohol benefit

No great story ever started by eating a salad. At least as far as I know.



That dumb moment when you already said what like three times and you still have no idea what he said. Ugh.

Not as sweet as it seems

Not as sweet as it seems

You probably got touched, don't. Not as cute as it seems.

Come in quick

Come in quick

You're never going to guess what happened today, come in quick and I'll show you.