funny pics and images updated daily

Google Glass

Google Glass

Why should I pay for those expensive and ridiculous Google Glass glasses when I have all I need here?

Wall entry

Wall entry

Welcome to our office. Enter anytine you want. We are waiting for you on the other side of the wall.

Aother wall ruined

Aother wall ruined

There, now you need to repaint this wall all over again.

Dirty car

Dirty car

Seems that I forgot to clean my car this year.

Pull up your pants

Pull up your pants

Finally a decent billboard around the city.

You may pet me

You may pet me

I grant you the distinguished permission to pet me while my master is not around.

Grammar makes the difference

Grammar makes the difference

Depending on how you spell, search suggestions show who you really are.

Unlimited fuel

Unlimited fuel

Now I can drive around without thinking about gas.

I didn't fit it

I didn't fit it

Remember to open the garage door before driving your minivan in there.

Microwave Satan

Microwave Satan

I'm never eating microwaved food. If the antichrist is there I might be considered a sinner.