funny pics and images updated daily

Holy water

Holy water

In case of demons nearby, break glass and throw this water around.

Pet crab

Pet crab

Say hello to my pet. If he doesn't listen to me I'll eat him later.

Chuck Norris pissed here

Chuck Norris pissed here

When Chuck Norris takes a piss, everything bends.

Broken ATM

Broken ATM

Hello operator, I would like to report a problem with your ATM. There's someone trapped inside.

Alcohol limit

Alcohol limit

How drunk can you be if you end up sleeping in a toilet?

You had one job

You had one job

Guess this sink is unusable then.

Shortest marriage ever

Shortest marriage ever

Nice to meet you

Nice to meet you

This always happens when you meet someone new.

Ass Biscuit

Ass Biscuit

At least it is not an ordinary ass biscuit. It is a majestic ass biscuit.

Idiot behind me

Idiot behind me

I'll make sure the idiot behind you doesn't do anything stupid. Wait, what?