funny pics and images updated daily

Orange duct tape

Orange duct tape

When choosing your new car it's important to have it colored with the same color as your duct tape. Sooner or later the 2 will eventually come into contact.

Cleanup on aisle 4

Cleanup on aisle 4

And this is what happens when producers fill their bottles and don't leave any air in there. Chaos!

How to tie a tie

How to tie a tie

The classic YouTube tie a tie video. All men know it. All men use it.

Chuck was here

Chuck was here

Chuck Norris must have tied his shoe laces while resting on this door. Who knows where this car may have been blown to if Chuck decided to roundhouse kick it.

Unexpected shower scene

Unexpected shower scene

I didn't have any place to store this scooter so that's why it's in the bathtub.

Wet cat

Wet cat

Looks like it shrunk to half its original size.

Pull your pants up

Pull your pants up

Finally a pub that was fed up with all the saggy pants.

No chew deterrent

No chew deterrent

We can safely assume that the deterrent is worthless.

Stay with me

Stay with me

That damn salary keeps leaving way too soon each month.

Asian grading

Asian grading

Welcome to my classroom. As you may have noticed I am Asian and I expect only the best. Here is a drill down of your grades this semester.