funny pics and images updated daily

CVS advertising

CVS advertising

Alright, we're not a pharmacy! But we have exactly what you need and you bet you need more beer right now.

Work is work

Work is work

Would you rather be on a yacht right now or enjoying your work?

Not enough toys

Not enough toys

This dog has more toys than some human children!

Tired but awake

Tired but awake

I want to thank my brain for making me feel tired all day long, but keeping me awake when I go to bed.

I can do this

I can do this

Finally all those Mario games I've so relentlessly played have brought me to my final challenge. Now is the time that I will have to prove myself.

Hairstyle trends

Hairstyle trends

So you think you look fabulous by getting dressed this way? Let's revisit this in 20 years.

Knowledge versus wisdom

Knowledge versus wisdom

I need to get more wisdom, otherwise my fruit salads will be horrible.

Guilty dog

Guilty dog

You can see by the dog's expression that he is about to get in serious trouble and he knows it.

Head protection

Head protection

Forgot my cap at home, so I simply cannot risk getting any sunburn up there.

Success starts here

Success starts here

How can I get any success in life if I get denied all the time? This isn't fair!