Girl, you really have a great smile. NOT. Oh, by the way, why did you ruin the picture?
The last kid, from left to right. Photogenic, exaggerated.... ?! HUH?!
So... I was standing over there, trying to drink some beer, some guy was taking a photo of us, and then suddenly, the beer ran away before I got to drink some.
Now that's one great troll, outrageously awesome prank and greatest photo bombs that I've ever seen. Well played sir!
He said he wanted to be taking a photo of him while he stayed like this. I told him it won't be really nice.... Hmm... I was right.
Just her taking a photo with a horse. Well, horse, say cheese!
He is photobombing, nice try dude. You should try buying yourself a smaller head.
Wow... I think she doen't have any idea how ugly she can be in this photo, hahaha.
Oh wait.... Hahahah, in one milisecond your face expression will change completely.
I think this girl has some real... real issues... Weird..