funny pics and images updated daily

Complete juice

Complete juice

Isn't it obvious? The red part is 100%, while the white part is only 27%.

Lemons for orange juice

Lemons for orange juice

Our lemons are perfect for making orange juice.

New drinking style

New drinking style

Just stir up the soda and inhale everything through your nose. That's how real men drink Cola.

Really thirsty

Really thirsty

That's how thirsty I am when I'm hungover. YEAH.

It's juice

It's juice

It's too late... he's juice. Bob? No, he ain't no Bob anymore, he's just a glass of juice. HA!



We all like Fanta, but this is really weird... I mean, come on man...

Bacon soda

Bacon soda

Finally the soda we've all been waiting for so long.

Soda in a plastic bag

Soda in a plastic bag

To cut down costs, they stopped shipping soda in a can, its just plastic bags from now on.

Breast use

Breast use

Who wants a pair? They have many uses as you can see here.

Soda in a can

Soda in a can

Just make sure not to shake it too much before opening.