funny pics and images updated daily

Cat reality

Cat reality

The difference between what you think you cuddling with you cat will look like, and the reality, is huge.

Geek dog

Geek dog

Just a geek dog. I don't know why but this dog I believe it is a lawyer. Hahah.

Pet Octopus

Pet Octopus

Do not buy a pet octopus, trust me, don't don't don't!

Faceswap with dog

Faceswap with dog

Faceswaping a human with a dog is just funny. Epic!

Mom's feeling

Mom's feeling

She had a feeling that she's the one. Hahahh, probably.

Awesome timing

Awesome timing

Quite awesome timing, we must admit it. Good job, properly done!

Cute faces

Cute faces

They're so cute... said no one ever? Hah!

Performing in shower

Performing in shower

I don't sing in the shower, I perform. Naked. Hahahah, ain't that funny?

Red point magic

Red point magic

Woah, it's magic for these three, hahahah.

Trolling on Halloween

Trolling on Halloween

That's quite an unique way of trolling on Halloween. Doing it big.