And they took 2 spots, the bastards!
assdasdasd about 14 years ago LoL Bukarest :) x""D
r0sari0 about 14 years ago what' is that [:question:] [:question:] [:question:]
Adrian about 14 years ago Hey! Don't make fun of the romanian police! After this, they fined themselves and impounded the car.
amber.... about 14 years ago if policeman are like this its not good... how could people follow rules if police would be this... its proper they've be a good example...
Larrybwoy over 13 years ago Lol this in in Timisoara, city rofl. Well...I guess the police is retarded everywhere you look lol.
nina over 13 years ago ahahahha.....
dumbass about 14 years ago typically romanian [:mrgreen:]
dave almost 14 years ago double handicapped! lol [:razz:] he's my hero!
smecheriu almost 14 years ago no it is in Romania in Timisoara but all the police car there are from bukarest lol (/o\) [:razz:]
LoL Bukarest :) x""D
what' is that [:question:] [:question:] [:question:]
Hey! Don't make fun of the romanian police! After this, they fined themselves and impounded the car.
if policeman are like this its not good... how could people follow rules if police would be this... its proper they've be a good example...
Lol this in in Timisoara, city rofl. Well...I guess the police is retarded everywhere you look lol.
typically romanian [:mrgreen:]
double handicapped! lol [:razz:] he's my hero!
no it is in Romania in Timisoara but all the police car there are from bukarest lol (/o\) [:razz:]