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Dad of the year award

Dad of the year award

The police better make those bastards send him his share of cash, beer and meat.


Vm10NP <a href="">ylihtscobewt</a>

Where's his money!!!! [:sad:]

WyQ5Tq <a href="">bbvwnigycemv</a>

eddy: Thank you! The infinity pool is alltaucy shared by the entire neighbourhood.letti: Her house is gorgeous, I must agree :razz: momo: As far as I know, my aunt is a big fan of gardening! I really love her frontyard green and organised. I don't quite like it when homeowners crowd their gardens with too much vegetation and make it look like a jungle being rampaged by a tornado. I love shopping at IKEA too! They have those pseudo-displays and you can get inspired if you're into interior design.Yappy: Yep, it's taken with a Pentax Optio S55 camera. It's so cool to have a relative working at IKEA! I will alltaucy die for a job at IKEA :)thecoffeesnob: That's probably what I will do too! The house is a split-level home (although inconvenient, but very modern) and it's quite huge inside! One bad thing though the neighbourhood is located pretty far away from downtown and you get traffic jams all the time.ophelia: Thank you!

he's fuking ass hole..... [:mad:] [:mad:] [:mad:] [:mad:] [:mad:] [:mad:] [:frown:] [:frown:] [:frown:] [:twisted:]

smielies, smielies e
[:sad:] [:redface:] [:cry:] [:exclaim:] [:razz:] [:razz:] [:redface:] [:surprised:] [:twisted:] [:twisted:] [:surprised:] [:smile:] [:rolleyes:] [:sad:] [:smile:] [:wink:] [:mad:] [:evil:] [:neutral:] [:arrow:] [:biggrin:] [:eek:] [:cry:] [:cool:] [:razz:] [:redface:] [:rolleyes:] [:razz:]

thats messed up for the child poor girl......but the dad is a idiot who sells there daughter and then call the cops because he didnt get the money wht a dumb ass lol

sell that slutttttt [:razz:]

Tom the Rapist
That was my daughter... Fucks nevver paid... but im not giving up yet... im gonna sell that BITCH... in POT money... Fuckin hore!!!!!!!! [:biggrin:] [:biggrin:] [:biggrin:] [:lol:] [:lol:] [:surprised:] [:surprised:] [:wink:] [:wink:] [:mrgreen:] [:neutral:] [:neutral:] [:mrgreen:] [:mrgreen:] [:mrgreen:] [:mrgreen:] [:mrgreen:] [:mrgreen:] [:cool:] [:cool:] [:cool:] [:cool:] [:cool:] [:lol:] [:lol:] [:lol:] [:lol:] [:lol:] [:lol:] [:lol:] [:lol:] [:surprised:] [:surprised:] [:surprised:] [:surprised:]

Who the fuck would sell their kid!! That's so fucken retarded!!

EPIC FAIL [:mrgreen:]

Rhiannon poole
Now thats hilarious! But the dad should be ashamed! How sad [:evil:] [:mad:]

wowo u shit thats soo fucked up

ya i will never do that to my daughter [:mad:] [:mad:] [:mad:]

she is right about that he should not be a father if thats the way he decides to take care of his child what a sick bastard [:mad:] [:mad:] [:mad:].

[:mad:] This pisses me off who would want to sell there daughter for food that guy is an idiot he dosn't deserve to be a fater!!! [:mad:]

oh shan
Tom ur a dumb ass who hides behind a computer cause no one likes you! This man belongs w/Tom so they can become butt buddies!