Fuga about 14 years ago wow i can't believe i just misspelled Stalker!
Fuga about 14 years ago wtf is up with cooldudehater, jeeze it's almost like watching a stocker on here. [:exclaim:]
WikiFunna about 14 years ago So..... where is toilet? Hehe))) Joke, relax ;) Thanks
cooldudehater over 14 years ago just joeking is a lot cooler tahn you cooldude you faggot
cooldudefx about 17 years ago i would
Im_just_Joeking about 17 years ago same here but y isnt my bro in that bin then lol
cooldudefx about 17 years ago he is tooo ugly to put in the bin [:lol:] [:lol:]
wow i can't believe i just misspelled Stalker!
wtf is up with cooldudehater, jeeze it's almost like watching a stocker on here. [:exclaim:]
So..... where is toilet? Hehe))) Joke, relax ;) Thanks
just joeking is a lot cooler tahn you cooldude you faggot
i would
same here but y isnt my bro in that bin then lol
he is tooo ugly to put in the bin [:lol:] [:lol:]