funny pics and images updated daily

Wait outside

Wait outside

At least he didn't take the dog in with him.

Suggestion box

Suggestion box

We care about what our customers have to say, we really do. That's why we installed a new suggestion box.

Garden toilet seat

Garden toilet seat

Have a spare plastic chair? Why not make yourself a comfortable toilet seat right there in your garden?

Balcony toilet

Balcony toilet

When reading your newspaper on the toilet, why not take advantage of the clean air outside?

Coca Cola's main ingredient

Coca Cola's main ingredient

This rare footage shows exactly where Coca Cola's unique taste comes from.

Don't use public toilets

Don't use public toilets

There you are, enjoying your time in the public toilet when some dumbass with a balloon makes this the most humiliating day of your life.

Vehicles must not be parked in the toilets

Vehicles must not be parked in the toilets

After more and more customers ended up driving right in the toilet the owners decided that an appropriate sign should solve this problem.

VIP Toilet

VIP Toilet

After a good laugh this also makes you wander. If this is their VIP toilet, how do the others look like?

Toilet, sink and bath tub all-in-one

Toilet, sink and bath tub all-in-one

This is the new breakthrough in bathroom space economy. Have all the things you need all in one place.

Google toilet paper

Google toilet paper

Breaking news! Google just launched Google Toilet Paper.