funny pics and images updated daily

In a parallel universe

In a parallel universe

Piggeons feeding humans. Now that's quite a big change, huh?

DAFUQ is this?

DAFUQ is this?

Okay okay okay, back up. What did I just see? Okay, this is weird.

Bird... that bird..

Bird... that bird..

Arghhh, come on birdie, you really had to do that? REALLY?!

Piggeon payback

Piggeon payback

It looks like karma was here. There you go piggeon, feel better now?

Pooping on people

Pooping on people

Hmmm... Now that's an interesting book, I'm already at chapter 8. Great, great!

Lost piggeon

Lost piggeon

He came into my life a few weeks ago, he stayed with me a few minutes. I MISS HIM!

Smart Piggeon

Smart Piggeon

This piggeon is very clever. Why fly when you can take the train? I bet you didn't see that one coming.



Piggeon and Joker just mixed up. So, why so serious? Hahaaaha!

Stalker piggeon

Stalker piggeon

This piggeon is a secret agent, with triple-identities. Oh come on... mmm... not really.

Piggeon is cool

Piggeon is cool

If you didn't knew, Piggeon is back and straightened things up. Hahah!