And now, it's funny because of the awesome brilliant troll but also... GOOD JOB CAB DRIVER!
They're really annoying, I mean, come on... just try to be a human!
There are lots of samurai that are drivers. They drive okay.
Arrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhh, DRIVE FASTER! FOLLOW THAT CAR!
Okay kido, I told you to stay in your car. STAY IN YOUR CAR!
Okay mister, show me your driver's license. Right now, or you're going to jail.
Hello, I am Mr. Dog. Nice to meet you! Now, give me my ticket and let me go, I'm in a hurry.
Get in looser, and keep your mouth shut. We're going to Petco and I'm driving 'till there.
Watch out!!! I have no brakes!!! AAAWWWW, THIS IS GOING TO GET UGLY!