Wish my bike was made as strong as this one.
I ordered some fast food and the delivery guy had it hanging like this. Hope I don't get any dirt together with the extra mayo!
Looks like this guy spent a ton of money for a state of the art lock, only to lock the pedal with it.
Just imagine somehow riding this and feeling all the bumps.
Don’t you just love it when you get to capture the photo at the right time with the right angle and exposure. Poor biker, though.
What would an engineer with half a car, half a bike and too much time on their hands do?
I always wanted to feel so comfortable while riding my bike. No chair is too comfy for me!
Hey, it works so please stop complaining. Oh, your bike is no longer usable, unless you ride it using your left leg.
This is why there are instructions on usage for the most basic of things. Because we need them!