funny pics and images updated daily

Long dog

Long dog

Long-dog Dogsto. He sleeps, it's okay.

This means war

This means war

Okay, now this seems kind of odd. WUFF!



Get out of my way, I'm comiiiiiing, GERONIMOOOOO!

You silly

You silly

Hihihihi, you silly. Hihihihi, you are sooooo silly, soo so so silly.

You're grounded

You're grounded

Look at what you did! Okay son, you're grounded!

Flying bear

Flying bear

So it is true, they do exist. AAAAAA!!!

Cat massage

Cat massage

So, if you want a massage from a cat... keep dreaming, hahah.

Huge mouse, really

Huge mouse, really

The mouse was this big. No lying, really!

Popeye face

Popeye face

Oh hiiiiiiiiii, it's great to see you again. Yes, I know I look like Popeye.



I caught the animal, haha, he's mine!