It's time for forever alone. Oh wait, it's never the time for forever alone.
Mmmm... Not everytime I feel my phone vibrating, but when I do, it's not vibrating. FOREVER ALOOOONEEE HAHA
You'll never be alone, be alone, be alone. Good job with those mirrors.
That awkward and scary moment when... you're home alone and somebody is knocking at the door. AUTCH!
Awwww.... That's forever alone's car... You can easily see why.
Heeeey! You said that everybody would be here... Guess you lied.... Oh well, more booze for me!!!!!
No one ever asked Clip if he needs some help... Yeah.. I understand how you feel!
The egg is a forever alone... Oh, that's too bad. Hahahah!
Now that's pretty sad... But come on, auto-trolling level 1000, forever alone level infinite.