funny pics and images updated daily

Good luck on your retirement

Good luck on your retirement

Mind as well face it: you are completely dead to us from now on. Goodbye.

Poor decisions are coming

Poor decisions are coming

Seems that alcohol has been announced for tonight. And that should come together with low standards and poor decisions. Let's get drunk!

As good as you pretended

As good as you pretended

That's impossible. I will not look as good as I've pretended to do online. There must be some sorcery to this.

Vodka says I can

Vodka says I can

Go on, dance the night away. You are totally a dancer. But first, take this bottle with you.

Commas save lives

Commas save lives

Don't be a psycho. Place a comma and save your family's lives.

Thicker then blood

Thicker then blood

It's quite important for any tattoo artist to have a spelling bee award.

Mixed juice

Mixed juice

Oh, sticker man. You had one job. Now what will people say when I give them cherry flavored green juice and apple flavored red juice?

Smart bike owner

Smart bike owner

Q: How do you spot a future former bike owner? A: By his overwhelming skill of locking his bike to a railing.

The dark angle

The dark angle

I know you wanted to be the dark angel this Halloween, but please take this dark angle costume. It was the only one left in the store.



I believe we either have a dumb cake decorator at the bakery or we're missing a part of the cake I've ordered.