Everything should behave like an iPhone these days.
Lauren Howard. * about 14 years ago Haha. I don't get the point of this. lol. But it looks really cool. * :D
johndoe about 14 years ago @Lauren get ppl to wipe off before entering [:biggrin:]
auhsoj about 14 years ago hahhah...it looks very fun... [:cool:]
sheez about 14 years ago yoo, where can i find 1 of theze? i really need 1 [:biggrin:] thx
madgarlic about 14 years ago @Lauren Howard check on google how to unlock iPohne/iPod touch [:wink:]
elanoyd over 13 years ago the I-DOOR [:biggrin:]
Lauren Howard. *
Haha. I don't get the point of this. lol. But it looks really cool. * :D
@Lauren get ppl to wipe off before entering [:biggrin:]
hahhah...it looks very fun... [:cool:]
yoo, where can i find 1 of theze? i really need 1 [:biggrin:] thx
@Lauren Howard check on google how to unlock iPohne/iPod touch [:wink:]
the I-DOOR [:biggrin:]