Even the dog must have a decent hairstyle.
Rihannaloverofmusic1 over 14 years ago sheeesh auntie harriet get a shave lol [:question:] [:exclaim:] [:lol:]
type name here almost 15 years ago ^^ it'd probably look like a dog
Destinee almost 15 years ago thats a sick looking dog wonder what it would look like withouth the dreads? [:question:]
DIKATAAa!@#$%^&* almost 15 years ago great,yo [:biggrin:]
Vaughan Gerrard almost 15 years ago that dog looks FOKIN fumin lol
sheeesh auntie harriet get a shave lol [:question:] [:exclaim:] [:lol:]
type name here
^^ it'd probably look like a dog
thats a sick looking dog wonder what it would look like withouth the dreads? [:question:]
great,yo [:biggrin:]
Vaughan Gerrard
that dog looks FOKIN fumin lol