Annoying thing, that spider web came out of nowhere. But it developed my karate qualities, haha.
Oh noooooo! Daddy, I saw a spider! Get rid of the spider, faaast!
Oh no, it's really a spider! Aaaaarghhh! Get it off me, get it off, get it off, get it off!
Bad spider, very bad spider!!! You're grounded!!! SHUT UP NOW.
I tried to kill a spider with the hairspray. He didn't die but his hair looks awesome. High-five!
There was a spider, I panicked but I think it's okay now.
It'd be really weird but what if Spiderman could throw spiders? There would be no more crime!
Two girafas just hangin' around. Suddenly, wild spider appears, one of the girafas, juuumps!
I can't imagine why on Earth did he wanted to have such a haircut... but... who am I to judge?
There's never a problem seeing a spider, it's a problem when the spider disappears.