Use your own bathroom, you aren't allowed in this bathroom, capisci?
We know what we're doing, don't worry. Your PC is safe with our kitty cats.
Hey mooooooom, can we play outside please, please, please?!
Oh no, it looks like the zombies are everywhere. Come oooon, even CATS?
Now now, let's not forget that cats are big fans of paying back, as you can see...
Ladies and gentlemen... I present to you, puss in boots. Literally!
Hey weird-looking kitty, if you are mocking me... You'd better start running!
Okay guys, now.... SCREAAAAAM! HAHAHAH
They really love each other, it's obvious. Hahah, nice, nice!
They always stand in your way. The doorway is the classic example... arghh, so annoying.