funny pics and images updated daily

Concrete fixing

Concrete fixing

Duct tape is the hero of the day. In this episode, duct tape fixes concrete.

No more TV

No more TV

Hey buddy! Help me out with this TV, OK?

Fixed headlight

Fixed headlight

Busted headlight? No problem. Just grab that old flashlight and the red duct tape. Duct tape will fix everything.

Worst hunting dog

Worst hunting dog

Even the fox is confused. Or maybe the dog is only interested in a particular fox.

Stacked gaming

Stacked gaming

Spending quality time with your gamer girlfriend may not be as good as it sounds.

No checks

No checks

Czechs are welcome anytime. It's just the checks we are worried about. We don't accept Czechs as a form of payment. Wait. What?

Non-stick fry pan

Non-stick fry pan

Nothing sticks to our wonderful frying pan. Only our sticker it seems.

Employee of the month

Employee of the month

Looks like he partied a little too much after being chosen as employee of the month. At least he did use his own parking spot this time.

Feeling unwanted?

Feeling unwanted?

Shout "drinks are on me" and see how everybody in the pub will instantly fall in love with you.

Saw the cool bands

Saw the cool bands

Well played old timer, well played.